MuFHE Ecosystem Community & Marketplace Platform


To Provide Assurance of Integrity, Trustworthiness and Security of a Safe, Hygienic, Healthy and Quality Halal Products & Services to Stakeholders & Participants in the Global Halalan Toyyiban Trade & Industry (GHTTI) USD46.1 T market.


To Facilitate and Enable the Affordability, Availability, Accessibility, Sustainability of Products & Services and sharing a common cross-border endorsement brand and trade mark whilst generating excellence and opportunities to the Well-being, Goodness and Prosperity of all the community members.

Pertinent Statistics – ‘Deemed Halal’ Global Market

‘Deemed Halal’ – Paradigm Shift

Where we promote ASSURANCES towards EXCELLENCE by recognising, trusted and accepted global Islamic practices, thereafter resulting in the Muslim Friendly Halal Excellence community brand!

A fair and significant numbers of all the global premises, products and services providers can be categorised as Muslim Friendly and they the can nurtured towards the pursuits of the Halal Excellence status.


Total Muslim Population



Total Cross-Border Global Deemed Halal Trade Market


of Global Financial Asset

Islamic Financial Asset Estimated



Global Travel & Tour Market Estimated


of Total Market

Muslim Friendly Halal

Halal (Permissible)

also spelled hallal or halaal, refers to what is permisible or lawful in traditional Islamic law


Alcohol, porcine, gaming, products & activities detrimental to plant, fauna, environment etc.

Certified Halal

Halal premises, products & services certified by 3rd party (regulatory bodies, corporate, trade associations etc.)

'Deemed' Halal

Halal Premises, Products & Services “not-certified” by 3rd party (regulatory bodies, corporate, trade associations etc.) BUT produced, distributed, sold, and consumed as HALAL.

Muslim Friendly - Deemed Halal Market

Major Export of HT Merchandise Goods, 2013

Major Export of HT Commercial Services, 2013

Current Global Situation and Solutions

Causal Factors for Failures in Capitalising the ‘Deemed Halal’ Opportunities
  • Differing Mazhab, Interpretation & Fatwas.
  • Non-Harmonised Standards.
  • Multiple Industry & Sectors Application.
  • Product Certification Based Limitation.
  • Multi-Sovereign Centric & Authority Driven Based.
  • Muslim Friendly-Halal Users Market Fragmented.
  • Global Supply Value Chain. Dominated by Non-Muslim
    Producers & Countries.
  • Resistance to Change By Traditional Key Halal Stakeholders & Players
  • Absence of a Global Body – Governance & Management.
  • Non-existence of a Holistic, Integrated, All Inclusive, Open & Economically Sustainable Cross-Border Model.
Malaysian Experience [JAKIM & HDC Roles] - Status & Results

New Opportunities abound

In Malaysia:

  • Only 8000 are JAKIM certified compared to 4.0 – 7.0 million products and services, and enterprises in Malaysia.
  • Only about US$8.0 bil are certified vs established US$350.0 bil of trade value.
  • Bumiputera/Muslim participation, management and ownerships less than 8.0%.

Global Trade & Industry:

  • Only estd. 0.002 % are Halal certified
  • BRI offers windows for trade, finance, market, investments and branding opportunities.
  • US & China trade disputes would uniquely create and position participation, collaboration and investments in the Muslim Friendly Halal market segment.
PARADIGM – Community & Trade based Approach

A cross –border Muslim Friendly-Halal Ecosystem with the following attributes & features:

  • Open, Non Discriminative and All Inclusive Community Based Trade Platform
  • 6 Unifying, Shared & Core Enabling Programs:
  1. Community Membership
  2. Knowledge, Training & Education
  3. ICT, Blockchained & Big Data
  4. Assurance & Shared Common Trademark/Endorsement Brand
  5. Ranking & Rating System
  6. Trade Procurement Nexus & MedinaGold Token Payment System
  • Multiple High Impact & Catalytic Projects.
  • Expertise, Resource, Market & Revenue Sharing.

Participating Country Communities and Marketplace

Stage I

  1. Malaysia
  2. Indonesia
  3. Taiwan
  4. Hong Kong - Guangzhou
  5. Korea
  6. Japan
  7. Singapore
  8. Thailand
  9. Australia
  10. NZ
  11. India
  12. Turkey

Existing and Affiliated Community Members in Collaboration

How Do We Enable?


  1. Global Ecosystem Memberships Program
  2. Shared Assurance-Endorsement Brand Program
  3. Shared ICT & Data Program
  4. Shared Expertise & Training  Program
  5. Shared Market & Trade Network  Program
  6. Ranking & Rating Program


  1. Market Access Project Utilising Various Indigenous e-commerce Platform
  2. Entrepôt Projects
  3. MedinaGold Project
  4. Beauty, Cosmetic & Personal Care Project
  5. Gelatin & Collagen Project
  6. Herbal, Ingredients & Organic Agro-Food Industry

How MuFHE Ecosystem

Benefits Stakeholders and Participants