UNISOF is a Non-Governmental and a Non-Profit Foundation established with holistic vision to integrate cross-border humanitarian programs. UNISOF’s roles and functions also focus on community activities in the MuFHE ecosystem.

It has oversight of the Global Trust Asset Capital that leads to social and economic welfare projects for the underprivileged.

Opportunities – Challenges – Solutions

Opportunities - USD$46.1T Existing Deemed Halal Marketplace

This massive demand in the Global Halalan Toyyiban Trade & Industry [GHTTI] has both fuelled the incessant growth in regulatory bodies, certification bodies and interest from stakeholders and participants from the trade and industry.

Open, Non Discriminatory & All Inclusive Platform

This has resulted in disarray and continuous fragmentation much to benefits of the end-consumer.

Thus the dire need for a cross-border Open, Non-Discriminatory and All-Inclusive trade platform and network model that meets the following characteristic, namely:

A unified concepts, strategies, networks, and programs utilising set protocol and standards;
A community based singular responsibility neutral governance and management capabilities;
Having a network of integrated National & Regional alliances, resources and capabilities;
Acting as a global community common trade platform undertaking shared programs and projects.

Governing Board, Advisory Council & Consultative Board

The Trustees, Governing Board and Advisory Councils members are represented by members nominated by the various global country communities. All of the UNISOF’s initiatives are mutually inclusive with each initiatives govern by an independent, Governing and Advisory Councils.

MuFHE Ecosystem & GTAC Initiatives Model Framework

A multi-dimensional program that offer holistic, comprehensive and integrated solutions would only be feasible and sustainable with the collective participations of the stakeholders and participants that it intent to serve.

Supporting Key Program Enablers

Multiple specialised program enablers are developed and implemented by specialist, industry experts and players. The following are the 9 key program enablers.

Ecosystem Memberships Program

Shared Endorsement Brand, Logo and Trademark Program

Shared ICT & Data Program

Shared Expertise & Training Program

Shared Market & Network Program

Ranking & Rating Program

Global Governance Body &Program Management Office

Shared Market & Network Program

Ranking & Rating Program